Metalhead Community Reviews 'Jūra'

Jūra stands out with its advanced musicianship, technical difficulty, and progressive rock character of After Nations. Although the general mood of this song sounded traditional and familiar to me since my first discovery of it, I found out that the band has a lot more to offer when I went into their discography and sneak-peeked a few more songs from their latest studio album, The Endless Mountain. The album is heavily influenced by Indian culture which automatically makes them unique, which we don’t necessarily get to hear in this song.

Technically, the album has all the necessary standards to be considered a great-sounding album, in my humble opinion. The sound design has familiar characteristics from the post and prog-rock worlds, sounds very balanced, safe, and also easy listening at the same time.

Great-sounding instrumental prog-rock song, blending traditional and modern influences with advanced musicianship… It reminds me of a successful combination and execution of both vintage and modern prog-rock influences in a good balance, with a slightly modern character. They make me hear early Dream Theater as well as Joe Satriani, The Aristocrats (Guthrie Govan), Icefish (Marco Sfogli), and Plini, while also supporting it with math, post, and jazz-rock influences in their musical foundation.

Metalhead Community